Imagine your credit report as a mirror reflecting your financial reputation. Just as a crack in the mirror distorts your reflection, late payments can have a detrimental effect on your credit...
Category: Credit Repair
Improving your credit score is like building a sturdy foundation for your financial future. Just as a solid base supports the weight of a towering skyscraper, a good credit score can help you secure...
Below are additional resources to help you repair your credit: Free Credit Report - You are entitled to a free credit report from 3 of the national credit reporting agencies....
TITLE VIII—DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES Section 801. Short title. 802. Findings and purpose. 803. Definitions. 804. Acquisition of location...
CHAPTER 4—CREDIT BILLING Section 161. Correction of billing errors. 162. Regulation of credit reports. 163. Length of the billing period. 164. Prompt...
TITLE VI—CONSUMER CREDIT REPORTING Section 601. Short title. 602. Findings and purpose. 603. Definitions and rules of construction. 604. Permissible...