Imagine your credit report as a mirror reflecting your financial reputation. Just as a crack in the mirror distorts your reflection, late payments can have a detrimental effect on your credit...
Posts by Chris S
Improving your credit score is like building a sturdy foundation for your financial future. Just as a solid base supports the weight of a towering skyscraper, a good credit score can help you secure...
Bluehost hosts this website, so I thought I’d provide a review of their services. Bluehost, launched in 1996, provides web hosting for individuals and companies around the globe. Through the...
A penny stock, also known as a micro-cap stock, according to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission is a stock with a share price below $5. However, many investors believe a penny stock sells...
Dear Son: Now that you are about to begin a new stage in life, please always remember that if you really want to achieve a goal, you must be fully COMMITTED to it. This is what life is all about....
A good measure to determine if your debt is getting out of control is determining what your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio is. If your DTI ratio is close to or higher than 36% then you should be...